Issues with GPS and Bathymetric mapping

GPS is an essential component for creating accurate bathymetric maps. GPS accuracy and reception quality can be affected by the conditions.

Heavy, cloudy weather can affect the strength of the signal, while branches, pylons and other obstacles like electricity lines can also affect connectivity, as can the availability of satellites.

These factors can cause the following issues:

  • Your Deeper failing to connect with satellites – the satellite icon is flashing red or orange
  • Your bathymetric mapping (depth colors) appear to be drawn on land, instead of on water
  • Bathymetry is not drawn on the map when Boat mode or On-shore GPS mode is enabled


GPS/Bathymetry issues in Boat mode

When Boat mode is enabled, the Deeper app uses your smartphone GPS for the bathymetric mapping. The internal GPS of your Deeper is not being used. Following issues may happen during the mapping process in Boat mode:

Bathymetry is not drawn – GPS connection of your smartphone is not accurate enough for precise bathymetric mapping. You will see sonar data appear on the right side of the screen, but bathymetry will not be drawn on the left side of the screen (map).

Bathymetry is drawn on land instead of water – this could be caused by 3 factors:

  1. GPS of your smartphone obtains incorrect coordinates. Generally it is a result of poor weather conditions or overhead obstacles, but if the issue constantly persists in multiple locations on different days - it could also mean that the GPS of your smartphone is simply not powerful enough to obtain a precise connection.
  2. Bathymetry visualization algorithm error. When bathymetry is created using Boat mode, special algorithms help to expand the coverage of the bathymetry, so that it would fill the missing gaps that were not physically scanned by your sonar. This helps to create a full map of the lake faster, and also enhances the end result. However, such algorithms can make an error and result in bathymetry to appear on land. You can disable these algorithms when viewing your maps on the web version of Fish Deeper by selecting Detailed bathymetry in the Bathymetry display options:

    3. Maps themselves are not 100% accurate. While the Deeper app obtains correct coordinates for mapping, the map of the location (base map) may not be entirely accurate. Map providers constantly update their maps to be more accurate, and every time the maps are updated – FishDeeper will have its map updated automatically as well.


GPS/Bathymetry issues in On-shore GPS mode

When On-shore GPS mode is enabled, the Deeper app uses the in-built GPS of your Deeper PRO+ or CHIRP+ models. Following issues may happen during the mapping process in On-shore GPS mode:

Bathymetry is not drawn. The satellite status is constantly “Looking for GPS” or “GPS not found”, and the Deeper fails to establish a GPS connection. Please try the following:

  1. Put the Deeper in the water close to the shore (up to 5-10 meters / 16-32 ft).
  2. Connect to the Deeper via Wi-Fi, then launch the FishDeeper app and connect.
  3. Once connected, enable the On-shore GPS mode.
  4. Wait up to 5-10 minutes (do not reel the unit in, just let it float in the water). Note: if you haven't used the On-shore GPS mode for a long time (2 months or more), it can take longer for the unit to establish initial connection with the satellites.
  5. Once the GPS status changes to "GPS found", you can start casting the unit and mapping.

If the GPS status remains “Looking for GPS” or “GPS not found” for longer than 30 minutes, please contact Deeper Support at

Bathymetry is drawn on land instead of water. The cause of this is that the GPS of your Deeper incorrect coordinates. Generally it is a result of poor weather conditions or overhead obstacles, but if the issue constantly persists in multiple locations on different days – please contact Deeper Support at

Note: Maps themselves are not 100% accurate. While the Deeper obtains correct coordinates for mapping, the map of the location (base map) may not be entirely accurate, and result in the bathymetry to appear on land. Map providers constantly update their maps to be more accurate, and every time the maps are updated – FishDeeper will have its map updated automatically as well.